| | A : Maurice Griffiths
Adastrelle, L1969
Adienne, L1980
Adorabelle, L1969
Afrin, L1980
Aisling, L1980
Alargh Du, L1980
Allunga, L1980
Alternative, L1980
Anna, L1980
Anna Lise, L1969
Arenya, L1980
Argo III, L1960
Armourer, L1980
Assyrian Knight, L1980
Auralyn, L1969
Ayuthia, L1939
B : Maurice Griffiths
Ballintoy, L1980
Bandolero, L1980
Banjo, L1969
Baranga, L1980
Barcarole, L1960
Beachcomber, L1960
Billows II, L1960
Black Jack, L1960
Bluebell of Itchenor, L1980
Blue Days, L1969
Blue Moon of Skye, L1960
Blue Otter, L1980
Blue Teal of Exmouth, L1980
Blyth Andora, L1980
Borer Bee, L1960
Boy Today, L1980
Brego, L1980
Bright Falcon, L1980
Brimwylm, L1980
Brue Gull, L1969
Bruja, L1965
Bunyip, L1969
C : Maurice Griffiths
Caledo, L1969
Calidris, L1980
Calluna, L1980
Caravel, L1960
Carbonnade, L1980
Carenda II, L1980
Carregwen, L1960
Cassius, L1980
Cause (The), L1980
Célidhe II, L1980
Celtic Lass Eventide 26, 1967
Cemarian, L1954
Chacona, L1969
Chatledore, L1969
Chelone, L1969
Cherani, L1980
Chimarea, L1969
Chloe, L1969
Chobe, L1980
Cicerone II, L1980
Cicestria, L1960
Cinnamon Lady, L1980
Cirra, L1969
Clea, L1969
Cliperau, L1969
Clos Et Coi, L1980
Cordelia, L1954
Cordelian, L1960
Coromandel, L1980
Coronette, L1960
Côte Bleu, L1980
Countess, L1980
Crazy Jane, L1980
Cressida, L1969
D : Maurice Griffiths
Dawn, L1980
Dawntide, L1980
Deben Gipsy, L1980
Deejay II, L1969
Demelza, L1969
Deneb, L1969
Diana of Desco, L1969
Dittany, L1980
Dixie d'Or, L1980
Don Felipe, L1980
E : Maurice Griffiths
East Wind of Pwllheli, L1980
Ebb Tide, L1960
Egretta, L1980
Eider Duck, L1960
Essex Maid, L1960
Evenstar, L1980
Eventide, L1965
Evina, L1960
F : Maurice Griffiths
Fen Gull, L1960
Fidelio, L1980
Fifinella, L1969
Figaro, L1969
Filibuster, L1960
Finnack II, L1960
Fourpence, L1980
Franesta, L1980
G : Maurice Griffiths
Gairloch, L1954
Galadriel -(1), L1980
Galadriel -(2), L1980
Gallinula, L1980
Gant, L1969
Ganys II, L1980
Gay Goose, L1980
Gay Gleensleeves, L1969
Gay Gull, L1969
Gedomach, L1980
Gilda, L1980
Girl Morgan, L1980
Glaros, L1969
Glory B II, L1980
Golden Drake, L1969
Golden Fawn, L1969
Golden Goddess, L1980
Golden Morn, L1980
Golliwog, L1960
Good Hope, L1980
Gorgonzola, L1969
Groais, L1980
Gruinard, L1969
Gypsy Belle, L1969
H : Maurice Griffiths
Halcyon of Yealm, L1980
Halvan, L1980
High Nimbus, L1980
I : Maurice Griffiths
Idle Duck, L1980
Iduna, L1960
Imshallah, L1980
Ionia, L1939
Iota, L1980
Isabella of Itchenor, L1980
It, L1980
J : Maurice Griffiths
Jacinta, L1954
Jalinda, L1960
Jappa, L1960
Jaunty Maid, L1960
Jayandar, L1980
Jeanne d'Arc, L1960
Jessie, L1980
Jimjon, L1980
Joget of Changi, L1980
Jonchawa, L1980
Jorrocks II, L1960
Josephine, L1980
Jua Maurice Griffiths/Bruce Roberts, 2000
K : Maurice Griffiths
Kailua (Became Wandering Star)
Kandus, L1969
Kanwara, L1950
Karloo, L1969
Kayem, L1980
Kerria, L1980
Kervilaine, L1980
Kinta Valley, L1980
Kismet III, L1980
Kofschip, L1980
Kyle of Bute, L1980
Kylix, L1980
L : Maurice Griffiths
La Deseada, L1980
L'Amour de la Mer, L1980
Lady Clare (The), L1969
Lady Loo, L1969
Lapwater, L1980
Lapwing, L1960
Les Bonairs, L1980
Latita Ellen, L1969
Lily C, L1969
Lindsay Bee, L1965
Lisabelle, L1969
Little Claudia, L1969
Lone Gull, L1960
Lone Gull II, L1969
Lone Wanderer, L1969
Loon, L1939
Lundy Gull Built in 2005 to the Lone Gull II design
M : Maurice Griffiths
Magia, L1969
Malwen, L1960
Manana, L1980
Mandamus Bob Anderson, Maurice Griffiths and HB influenced, 1946
Manu Vasa, L1969
Maplin Maid, L1969
Maris, L1960
Mary Gloster, L1969
Matapan, L1980
Meldrum, L1980
Meriel Seaforth, L1980
Merryjane, L1969
Mignonette, L1960
Mimulus, L1969
Miranda of Maya Cove, L1980
Mistral, L1969
M'Lady Dorothy, L1980
Mongoose, L1960
Moonglow, L1965
Moonriver of Maplin, L1980
Moonshiner, L1969
Musichana, L1969
N : Maurice Griffiths
Nagrom, L1980
Nanda II, L1980
Nauplius, L1969
Netsuke, L1980
Ngoma, L1969
North Star, L1960
Nyala, L1960
O : Maurice Griffiths
Ocean Dove, L1960
Oenanthe, L1980
Oenone, L1969
Olive Mary The Gaff Cutter built in 1931
Oursine, L1960
P : Maurice Griffiths
Palantir, L1980
Patience of Job, L1969
Pegathus, L1960
Peggy Joan, L1969
Pengallon, L1980
Persephone, L1960
Pescarus, L1969
Peterwit, L1980
Phoebe II, L1980
Pibroch, L1980
Picotee II, L1960
Pile Cap, L1980
Pine, L1980
Piper of Hamble, L1980
Pipers Moon, L1969
Pipki II, L1980
Ponemah, L1980
Pukwana, L1980
Q : Maurice Griffiths
Quartet -(1), L1960
Quartet -(2), L1960
Quiet Reach, L1969
Quintila, L1960
R : Maurice Griffiths
Rawanah, Gaff Rigged Ketch, built 1935
Redlapper, L1980
Reueri, L1980
Richmond Witch, L1980
Robert Crispin III, L1980
Rosemaiden, L1969
Rosmarinus, L1980
S : Maurice Griffiths
Sabina, L1969
Safari, L1954
Salad Days, L1960
Salcombe Pelican, L1980
Sand Dollar, L1969
Sanderling of Starcross, L1969
Sandling, L1960
Sapphire of Ramsholt, L1969
Sarah Hannah, L1980
Scopary, L1960
Seafarer, L1969
Sea-Minx, L1960
Sea Peveril, L1980
Sea-Pie, L1960
Sea Troll, L1980
Seaway, L1960
Sea Witch, L1969
Sea Wyf, L1980
Sequel, L1960
Sequence, L1960
Seventh Heaven, L1980
Sexta Feira, L1969
Sgumain, 1969
Shee, L1954
Sheelin, L1960
Sheenamara, L1980
Siglan, 1980
Silver Fox (Became Silver Seal)
Silver Seal (ex Silver Fox) Gaff Cutter, built 1933
Silviane, L1960
Silvina, L1980
Singapore Gaff Cutter, built 1931
Sixpence, L1960
Smoo-Cher, L1980
Snow Drift, L1980
Soma, L1980
Sophocles, L1980
Sorcière de la Mer, L1980
Spark, L1980
Sparkle of Scolt II, L1980
Spoondrift, L1980
Stealaway, L1960
Sue of Solway, L1969
Suka, L1960
Sula Sula, L1980
Sunne Rising, L1980
Symphony, L1969
T : Maurice Griffiths
Taki, L1960
Taloa, L1960
Tamaha, L1980
Tamaris (1), L1960
Tamaris (2), L1969
Tanera More, L1969
Taparma, L1969
Tawana, L1939
Tawny Pipit, L1969
Tellia, L1980
Terrapin, L1960
Tertia, L1969
Thesia, L1980
Thruppence, L1980
Tia Maria, L1960
Tidewater, L1960
Tinka, L1960
Trance, L1980
Tranona, L1969
Trigger, L1980
Tringa, L1960
Truuske, L1980
Trynga, L1969
Tudor Cob, L1980
U : Maurice Griffiths
V : Maurice Griffiths
Vanella Ventures, L1969
Venture of Iken, L1980
Verulamia, L1980
Veterata, L1980
Vimne, L1969
Vincere, L1980
Vulcan, L1969
Vrijbuiter, L1980
W : Maurice Griffiths
Wand, L1980
Wandering Star (ex Kailua) Seareach 31, steel, 1983
Water Mania, L1969
Water Mark, L1969
Watersplash, L1969
Wendy May Gaff Cutter, built 1936
Which Won, L1969
White Witch, L1980
Whymetoo, L1960
Wild Goose of Moyle, L1980
Wild Lone II, L1960
Wild Oats, L1980
Wilhelm Gruff, L1980
Wind Song, L1960
Witchcraft, L1980
Witch of Brent, L1980
X : Maurice Griffiths
Xavier, L1969
Y : Maurice Griffiths
Yaculta, L1980
Ynys Phr, L1969
Z : Maurice Griffiths
Zareba, L1980
Zilancy, L1980
Zoraya, L1950
This page last updated, 18th July 2021
(Wandering Star, Rawanah recently added)
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